Wednesday, February 24, 2016

A new adventure and finding new inspiration

Gracious stars and garters has it been quite a stressful time, but things are looking up as I have embarked on an awesome new adventure. One that excites me as an author and reader.

Astor County Library with branch manager Jonathan Dolce 
Many of you know I am a strong supporter of public libraries. Our local libraries are our favorite hangouts. Now I have a new way to support my local library, the Astor County Library. I've started working there as a Library Page! Yes, they really let me behind the circulation desk :)

I've been there about 3 weeks now and I LOVE IT! We might be tiny but we are a huge part of this community. Being behind the big desk you can see all the hard work that goes into making sure this area has all the resources it needs.

I can't wait to learn more and work on some programs of my own for our folks. As a matter of fact I just got the go ahead to hold a Camp NaNo program this April for our patrons. The program is open to all but we're going to focus on our kids that come and hang out on Tuesday nights. Who knows we might just inspire the next Hemmingway or Jane Austin.

Being surrounded by books and talking with patrons about their favorite stories has inspired me to be
Proof! They let me behind the big desk! :) 
more diligent in my own writing. I have several manuscripts saying finish me, finish me! It's time to get to it and get another book out on the shelves. That means making some goals. So...

1. Finish the next chapter in Outlaw Born
2. Start putting together some ideas for Camp NaNo
3. Start putting ideas together for Blogging from A to Z Challenge  

Now that I've landed a dream job how about you? What is your dream job or what in your job inspires your stories?

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

OneWord 60 Seconds: Gears

She slathered more grease on the actuating arms and a few of the more rusted teeth of the gears. "I'm not sure this is going to help. This piece of junk has sat far too long without any care."

She closed the cover of the mammoth war machine and stepped back. "Punch it Louis!"

He turned his cap backward and pumped diesel through the veins of this metal creature. When Louis pressed the ignition switch the gears and plates trembled before breaking their bond of rust and years of dirt.The armored suit took one step then another.

She let out a yell and raised her  grease smeared arms in victory.  If they can revive a few more of these beasts, the allies may yet have a chance. is a website for getting the muse warmed up. Each day you get one word and sixty seconds in which to write what it inspires.This is my entry for today's One Word. What's yours? For more of my past One Word entries, check out my One Word Profile EliseV.
Your turn, 60 seconds. Go!